LifeCycle Tower – Design Elements

Timber Tower – Proyecto final de carrera (PFC)

«Creating a resource and energy efficient buildings does not stop with a low-carbon and resource effective structural system and a good thermal envelope. In our 6th and last webinar in our LifeCycle Tower series we will look through the lens of three current project case studies at various strategies and concepts that are needed to holistically complement our core components. We will explore acoustic wall performance, balcony options as well as find out about a new type of timber-concrete floor component that allows for a much more flexible partition wall layout to enable an even wider range of architectural typologies within our LifeCycle Tower system» – CREE by Rhomberg

En la 6º edición de la series de Webinars realizados por la empresa austriaca CREE by Rhomberg, se nos presentó la oportunidad de participar en la conferencia junto a otros 2 arquitectos en una exposición sobre la construcción modular en madera y su aplicación al diseño e ideación. Esta colaboración se llevaba forjando desde la primera entrevista realizada el pasado año:

In the 6th edition of the series of Webinars carried out by the Austrian company CREE by Rhomberg, we were presented with the opportunity to participate in the conference along with 2 other architects in an exhibition on modular construction in wood and its application to design and ideation. This collaboration was forged from the first interview last year.

CREE INTERVIEW – Final Degree Project


Para ésta ocasión, se exponían 3 casos de estudios en los cuales se abordaba la incorporación de sistemas prefabricados de madera como principal sistema de construcción. Nosotros aportamos el proyecto de PFC Timber Tower mientras que pudimos contar con arquitectos de renombrado reconocimiento como: Patrick Stremeler, Dietrich y Michael Kamenik, ambos residentes en Austria.

For this occasion, 3 case studies were presented in which the incorporation of prefabricated wooden systems as the main construction system was addressed. We contributed the PFC Timber Tower project while we had renowned architects like Patrick Stremeler, Dietrich and Michael Kamenik, both residents of Austria.


Frank-ark-CREE-6-Webinar (1)
Architects Partners of 6th CREE Webinar Series

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De entre los proyectos expuestos cabe destacar uno que me llamó especial atención, y es el proyecto SXB Südkreuz de Berlin. Un proyecto que destaca por su patio interior y la resolución del mismo con una estructura mixta de madera y hormigón.

Among the projects exhibited, one that I called special attention is the SXB Südkreuz project in Berlin. A project that stands out for its interior patio and the resolution of it with a mixed structure of wood and concrete.

Visualización del patio interior realizada por la empresa XOIO – Visualization of the interior patio made by the company XOIO

En la conferencia además se presentó la incorporación a BIMObject de nuevos sistemas constructivos. Así como la futura incorporación de todos estos proyectos con los que vayan colaborando, entre los que contarán con Timber Tower. Sin duda ésta ha sido una gran oportunidad y espero poder seguir en contacto con ellos en un futuro. Dentro de unas semanas tienen pensado publicar la 2º entrevista realizada al proyecto de Frank-ark.

The conference also included the incorporation into BIMObject of new construction systems. As well as the future incorporation of all these projects with which they are collaborating, among which will have Timber Tower. Without a doubt this has been a great opportunity and I hope to be able to keep in touch with them in the future. Within a few weeks they plan to publish the 2nd interview with the Frank-ark project.

CREE INSPIRED: 1st Architectural Design Competition 2019

Finalmente se anunció (usando imágenes del proyecto) la apertura de un concurso de arquitectura basado en sus componentes como medio para darse a conocer de manera internacional. Los detalles suponemos se irán publicando las próximas semanas:

Finally, it was announced (using images of the project) the opening of an architecture contest based on its components as a means of making itself known internationally. The details we suppose will be published next weeks:

Frank-ark-CREE-6-Webinar (7)
CREE INSPIRED: 1st Architectural Design Competition 2019


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